You can be rich in mlm networkmarketing. 100% “Yes”. But it is not quick rich scheme. You won’t be rich in first one month of joining mlm home business as some of the distributors think so and they never succeed and leading nowhere. They keep switching one mlm networkmarketing company in India to other. It takes time and passion but in a long run you will definetly be rich with multi level marketing. The mlm business builds slowly but definetly by promoting it whenever you find time but keep promotion continued. No doubt some prior planning and strategies needed to promote mlm if you want to be successful in short run. I teach my distributors the same. My 1st month when I joined the network marketing program, went with no distributors. I felt some despair but kept my promotion hot and then in 2nd month I recruited 2 and these 2 distributors recruited 5 distributors so in my 2nd month I was having 7 distributors in my network. In 3rd month I was having 15 distributors. So I paid for 3 months only and thereafter I was gaining so from 4th month I was in some profit no loss. After 4th month I kept expanding my network myself and with the distributors in my downline network. So in multilevel marketing first 2-3 months are crucial thereafter success is in your hands if you keep promotion alive and hot. In the long run you will definetly be rich and also your network will expand automatically even if you put little effort or no effort. So have passions in mlm network marketing.
I have run few offline businesses till may 2008, switching from one business to other, but I really not succeeded fully in any of the small businesses offline, except two but they also failed shortly. Though, I learned and experienced the basics of the business and enjoyed running each but failed to earn money to support my family and expenses fully. Then came a time in June, 2008, when I entered internet marketing and felt lot of scope here if everything is done systematically with a planning whether it is CPA, Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, network marketing program or else. I spent lots of money initially in buying Ebooks, Softwares and signing amounts etc as I was not fully aware whether these are beneficial for me or not. But, no doubt I learned lots about internet marketing from these bought ebooks. I was progressing slowly and slowly with net marketing in 2008 and learning the pros and cons of internet marketing.
Now, I am working mostly online easily because of my prior planning and promote affiliate programs, MLM Networkmarketing programs and other online businesses though I also promote MLM Networkmarketing offline and my previous experiences offline helps me lot but the best promotion I found online with Article Marketing, Web Classifieds, Message Boards, mlm Blogging, free mlm ads, Hubs, Squidoo, PPC, network marketing software and lots of other methods online. I have recently choked out that how to successfully run a Network Marketing, or MLM business completely online. No doubt, MLM Networkmarketing is a precise art for me, but I have actually got more than one Marketing Sustems (Attraction Marketing systems) recruiting MLM Networkmarkeiting distributors without any previous contact with the mlm prospect. Many of the my mlm prospects call me who have some querries to clarify but I take those phone calls very occasionally, but once the mlm distributor has joined my network then starts the actual communication. In the previous week only, I recruited a distributor in India with extensive prior experience in multi network marketing. Before I spoke with him on the phone, I came to know that he had already recruited 3 new mlm distributors. Soon a new person is recruited in the network and that person shows keen interest in working for mlm business, I feel pleasure to teach them my strategies in mlm attraction Marketing and duplication. If they chose pursuing traditional mlm network marketing methods and practices in addition like Face to Face networking with friends and relatives, I already have knowledge of that also being in offline business previously. I have also my own strategies of recruiting friends and their friends and their friends so on “online” and then followup offline which I explain later on. Although it is of course very important to connect these new distributors to a strong leader within my upline organization. It is also utmost important to introduce the new mlm distributors to any of the strong leaders within my upline.
As explained you above this is not as easy as you think in your first 3 months of MLM networkmarketing. It took some time off for me from the MultiLevel Marketing industry because I had tough time in my first 3 months while dealing with unethical people that are attracted in Network mlm marketing. I really had a hard and tough time keep telling people that there is a solid "system" that will work for each and everyone. It cannot work for each and everyone. Otherwise everyone would do already do it and the whole thing would collapse. It requires skills, a system, a planning, a strategies and a lot of efforts to do it and those who implement the same and possess the right qualities and passions can become rich and wealthy if they determind to do the work, work, work.
Following are some basic skills needed for internet network marketing distributor in order to succeed MLM Networkmarketing company. Same applies to other network marketers:
01. Just more than average basic computer skills.
02. If possible, a fast internet connection at home is must
03. Work smarter instead of harder in mlm home business. It’s easy to do and easy not to do. Be a Leader!
04. Some basic creative mind to write short and medium aricles for article marketing and review articles. If you can’t pay some money to others for article writing.
05. As soon as you join the MLM Company, get all the informations of the MLM Company in hand so like its compensation plans, Fees, TOS, Tools, Testimonials, Company background etc. so as to be able to answer questions of the new distributors about your products and business. Must have enough phone skills. If you ask me... I don’t chase the new distributors. I answer questions openly but honestly. If they want, I explain the MLM opportunity and I help them fully. But incase they do not want it, I don’t want to be begger. I don’t force them or beg but prior knowledge of products and the mlm company informations must be with you to enable to help the new persons in the right way. Don’t chase the distributor. Let them chase you.
06. Instead of chasing you, better I will encourage and inspire you. Complete MLM networkmarketing knowledge and the tools and mlm video training, mlm lead Generation strategies pertaining for your success will be provided by me. After that It’s you who has to apply them for success. You will fail in the beginning itself, if incase you did not handle an initial call from the prospect properly and that is why I did not describe using 3 way calling with your upline distributors. Ofcourse, your upline business partner can do this in the beginning, but don’t expect that everytime they will help to close sales in favour of you in the long run. Nor should they. The sole responsibility is yours to get full training in MLM networkmarketing or Internet Marketing and able to find a perfect system to generate home based mlm business leads/targeted mlm leads on autopilot, if you want to succeed and able to train the prospects. Being both creative and good communication is must for success in Mlm programs. You will have to spare lot of time writing articles, quality articles of your mlm product, mlm business opportunity and mlm market. For best solution you will have to do lot of writing. The less expenses for you but you will have to do more work. The more efforts and time you put, the cheaper it will be for you. Though all the internet marketing can be done free but some portion of of mlm income you will have to spend, because I am not sure that you want to do that... as too much work. So be ready to spend at least some extra $20 to $50 per month.
is it really doable?